New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Strength in Numbers worked with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DoHMH) on the Outreach Enhancement Fellowship (OEF), an HIV/AIDS education program for predominantly Black and Latino/a-serving faith based organizations (FBOs). Over the course of the three-year engagement, we conducted a scholarly literature review on faith-based interventions in HIV, convened a 10-member Community Consultation Group comprised of representatives from the two lead community based organizations and six FBOs enrolled in the OEF initiative, developed tools for quantitative reporting and capacity assessments, and conducted nine key informant interviews and seven focus groups, which culminated in an HIV knowledge survey of over 1000 congregants of OEF FBOs representing all five boroughs of New York City. DoHMH and CBOs will use these data to refine and better target HIV education and prevention activities in Black and Latino/a communities.

Filed under: Capacity Building, Faith & Secularity, Health, HIV/AIDS, New York City, Older Adults, People of Color