Strength in Numbers worked with American Atheists on the dissemination and analysis of national survey data exploring the life of Americans who self-identify as secular or nonreligious, including atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, and skeptics. To inform a national survey, we did a series of focus groups with 89 nonreligious people who attended the American Atheists National Conference in April 2019. We designed and launched the U.S. Secular Survey in late 2019 and received nearly 34,000 responses. Strength in Numbers led in the analysis and report writing of the “Reality Check” report about the lives of nonreligious people in America, including discrimination and stigma they face in different facets of life and their policy priorities. American Atheists will use the findings of the survey to shape future advocacy efforts and advance policy goals for the Secular Movement in the United States.