Global Action for Trans* Equality (GATE)

Strength in Numbers worked with Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE) as their evaluation partner on a government grant supporting their advocacy work related to trans and intersex issues in the ICD-11. We evaluated their training and capacity building work as part of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) conference, as well as webinar trainings. We also did a qualitative needs assessment of activists involved in the process and contributed to grant reporting.

Strength in Numbers also worked with GATE on two surveys related to the organizational structure and funding of trans and intersex groups globally. 340 groups participated in the initial survey in 2013 and 509 participated in 2016. Strength in Numbers led the survey design process, data analysis and report writing, and supported our clients to do outreach, ensuring good representation from different regions. Data have been instrumental for trans and intersex groups to advocate for resources that meet their needs and for funders to inform their strategies to align with community priorities.

Work Sample: The State of Trans* and Intersex Organizing [PDF]

Filed under: Advocacy and Organizing, Evaluation & Needs Assessment, International, Intersex, Philanthropic Strategy, Research, Transgender and gender nonconforming